Boling FFA
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Welcome to the Boling FFA! 

Every FFA member has the potential to make a difference within their chapter and community. We are doing so by stepping out of our comforts zones and challenging ourselves through active participation to enhance our skills and become active community members. We gain these skills through opportunities like Leadership, Career and Speaking Development Events, camps and conventions in hopes that we are developing the next great leaders of tomorrow. We aspire to uphold the standard of success set by those that came before us. The Boling FFA is a great way to get involved with your school and community. It presents members with the opportunity to learn new and interesting things along the way! This organization gives students the chance to participate in many exciting trips, events, and contests throughout the year. We would love for YOU to be a part of it! We're always looking for new members to join us on our journey! So don't forget to sign up at the beginning of the school year!



Link to order FFA Merchandise: 


Link will close on August 29th, 2024.


 Website designed by: Wieghat Graphics